Summer Classic Flag Football Tournament


Grab your squad and come on out! Factory Sports is excited to host our 1st Annual Summer Classic Flag Football Tournament. The one-day tournament will consist of multiple games that lead to a championship game in each division.


There are three different age divisions for participants to chose from. Participants cannot be over the stated age prior to or on August 29th.


Players are welcomed to sign up as a team or register as free agents. Please note if you are registering as part of a team, the team name must be noted in the ‘notes’ section during the registration. Free Agent participants will randomly be placed onto a team that is either short in participants or in need of a substitution.


Spectators will be allowed but we ask that you maintain social distancing by sitting 6 ft a part from one another. Masks are encouraged to be worn by all spectators, but not required.


Participants are encouraged to bring:

Water Bottle | Cleats | Mouth Guard 


Tournament Rules

  • 5 v 5 Game Play
  • 5-second “Mississippi” Rush
  • Blocking is permitted but the blocking players hands must be behind their back
  • No stiff arms
  • Dead-ball on all fumbles
  • Two 20-minute half’s (2-minute half-time)
  • Each game will have at least one referee


Participants will play a minimum of 2 games and receive a tournament t-shirt. Trophies will be awarded to the winning team in each division.


When: Saturday, August 29th | Games start at 9:00 am


Where: Hudson Fields


Who: 10U Division | 12U Division | 14U Division


How: Registration is $25 per child | Register as a Team or Free Agent